Former Khmer Rouge General’s Home Transformed Into Museum


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Former Khmer Rouge general’s home transformed into museum

Oddar Meanchey, a province in Cambodia, may not be a popular spot for tourists.
However, it is home to several historical sites used by the now-defunct but oppressive Khmer Rouge regime.
Among them is the home of a senior commander, Ta Mok, which was developed into a museum.
It displays his way of life including when he worked for the regime as its chief of border protection operations.
While his home was preserved, signs of deterioration are emerging.
The Khmer Rouge regime existed from 1968 to 1979 while Ta Mok served them between 1970 and 1975, before his death in 2006.
Visitors can view photos of Ta Mok along with pictorial evidence showing the house being used as a command post, a detention site for government officials and those who disobeyed the regime.
There is also two small metal cages used to confine prisoners on display.
The two-storey house is located in Anlong Veng District, which was the heart of Khmer Rouge operations and later became its last stronghold.
