" So why all the fuss about the stuff in Thailand if half of the rest of the world use it with no problems?"
As a non-expert, I wonder too, Captain...
Let us magine tomorrow we can only get Gasohol... Do we stop to ride our bikes? Well, I suppose no, and we shall move to adapt our minds to this new gasoline...
As a non-expert, so just my feeling: this "fuss" about Gasohol makes me remember when leaded gasoline was not more available in France. The "automotive gurus" didn't stop to predict the death of all our classic cars and bikes :?
15 years later, what? Nobody worries more about un-leaded gasoline... Everybody fills the tank with what is available and go on! And at the end, nothing "special" happens...
Some very few, for their "comfort of mind" and intellectual peaceful" follow to pour special additives in their tanks or have split for some expensive "valves and seats" kit (with many many many problems of reliability). But I think it's more a "new-consumer-market" thing...
As you say, Captain, all the "major" motorcycle brands are present on the market in Brazil. And I suppose brazilian bikers don't bother about quality of their gasoline (I guessed it was 80% alcohol + 20% petrol, but now I'm not sure...). So what about Ducati tanks in Brazil? What about HD or BMW engines? Do these brands (and others) stopped to sell bikes over there?.. I'm afraid not...
Well, just my 2 satangs...