David, you're right, and for the cheap Charlies, they still can borrow one from me....

Marco, FHP already ordered.......have a save ride tomorrow !! Miss Dougal is already up to Sukothai and whining he's not allowed to drink one more beer, well it's not his Master Ohm that forbids him but the young goreous little lady from Ubon (dooeeyy) that made him suffer..... :wink:
Anyway, as I have no idea on how many guys & gals are coming, just for you to know: grills (sausages, pork, chicken, fish, salads, dressings, breads, for the local gals some northern food, flied lice and of course somtam dooooeeeeyyy...... :? Snacks, coffee, tea, real Beer, Jameson, coke fanta soda, Spey Winecoolers, anyway if we run out there's a good shop some 100 meters away. Yes and if somebody runs out of cigarettes, I'll have some......all that you need to bring is good mood and hunger/thirst. for some who have eaten too much, I still have some 3 bottles of fathers plum medicine from Austria, always helped me to fall into a coma like sleep...... :shock: .......
Looking very much forward to welcome u all, see you on Saturday & ride safe !! Cheers, Franz