HU-NC meeting organizers attend HU-CNX meeting

Jun 10, 2006
First post by a newbie to GT-R.

Why is it that I can never remember my new year's resolutions long enough to act upon them? Is it a case of selective memory? Maybe out of self-protection against ill-conceived crackpot schemes that might jeopardize my innate complacency?

Anyway, 2007 is different! I can sense it. The year is only 6 days old, and with this first post on GT-R I've already fulfilled my first new year's resolution. If that isn't a promising start to the new year, what is? OK, I admit, it's not immediately a life-changing resolution, but one shouldn't start out too ambitious so early in the year. Now if I only could remember what the other resolutions were... Anyway, if they don't come back to mind, at least I've kept myself to this one. In that case, it's worth remembering that the intention counts...

I've got to thank Big & Tall for leading me to GT-R, although I've never had the pleasure and privilege of meeting this fine gentleman in person. Our meeting was merely virtual, but nonetheless I have found it a stimulating encounter.

Our virtual encounter happened when Big & Tall posted interesting comments on a ride report on written by a good friend and riding buddy of mine, named Gaspipe. A few weeks ago Gaspipe and his wife were in CNX for a short holiday. Although too short, the rides we went on didn't fail to impress Gaspipe, and he'll certainly be back here in the future. For those who care to read the first impressions of a newcomer to CNX/Thailand, please visit the "Gaspipe goes to Thailand..." thread on advrider: ... 281&page=1

BTW, Gaspipe's ride reports generate quite a bit of interest on advrider. In 2006 he rode OFFROAD across the US from north to south (Canadian to Mexican border) via the Continental Divide Trail, and from east to west (Tennessee to West Coast in Oregon) via the Trans-America Trail. We also rode together in the Baja in Mexico (Baja Asylum Run 2006), which we will do again in about five weeks' time (B.A.R. 2007).

When exchanging messages and emails, Big & Tall pointed out some interesting ride reports on GT-R. So after a bit of browsing and reading in the last few days, I discovered that the XR-riders Pikey, Marcus and Luke are also posting here. So, gentlemen, if you read this, I'm the KTM rider whom, together with my buddies Bruce (Gaspipe, on my second KTM 450EXC) and Christophe (French rider on KLX650), you've met at a restaurant on Doi Pui. I admit I'm the culprit who wheelied past Pikey on the way to the trailhead, the one we invited you to join us on. Sometimes I can't help myself... '[:D]'

Too bad you guys decided not to follow us down that single track that took us down Doi Suthep. That trail is great fun, as it offers quite a challenging technical ride. In many places it's very steep, curvy and littered with rocks. Turning back and going up again is not an option for most. But if you guys want to try it out some day, which I think you should, give me a shout...

One word of advise though: don't attempt this track alone! There's quite a few tricky parts where it's not unthinkable that you end up upside down under your bike... Although such situations won't force Pikey out of his comfort zone, given his antics displayed in some of the pictures in the GT-R ride reports that Big & Tall has pointed out to me.

LeeBob, my wing man on the Baja Asylum Run team, is currently travelling in India with his wife Carolyn (who is also a bike rider), but they will arrive in CNX in a few days' time (10 Jan.). LeeBob (a.k.a. Leewildwater on ADVR) is not a stranger to danger or adventure, as he is a very experienced dirt bike racer who makes his living running a white water rafting/kayaking company in North Carolina.

LeeBob and Carolyn are the organizers of the annual Horizons Unlimited meeting in North Carolina. He emailed me saying that he would be very interested in attending the HU meeting in CNX. Last october LeeBob and Gaspipe attended the HU meeting in Mexico (which I attended twice, in 2003 and 2005). LeeBob is a very cheerful, outgoing, funny personality, and I hope the HU-CNX organizers will extend a warm welcome to their fellow HU meeting organizers. As I'm not familiar with CNX night life, I'm not much of a guide to take them on a tour of the local bar scene. I hope some of the GT-Riders are willing to show them around on a night out on the town or invite them for a ride out. It'll make their first visit to Thailand a lot more memorable.

OK, enough ranting for a first post. Looks like I'm going over board trying to keep my new year's resolution. Look forward to meeting some of the GT-Riders in the next week or so.


Hey Marc,

Welcome! Glad you guys enjoyed the Doi Pui trail but personally, I'm happy that I turned back, especially given my record of "crashing" when you are in the locality [;)]. Will have to get the experience level up a bit before trying that one again but great to meet you, Gaspipe & Christophe. I'm "on the gate" at Joe's Bike for the HU registration so look forward to seeing you again, along with your friends, next weekend.


Jun 10, 2006
I'm happy that I turned back, especially given my record of "crashing" when you are in the locality .

Pikey, I fully understand your decision of turning back and not following us down that steep descent with me being in the immediate neighbourhood. The good thing of that decision is that apparently you've now broken the spell which seemed to have been cast on our chance encounters.

Look forward to seeing you again later this week, and discuss, now that the spell is broken, any possibilities of going on a collective ride together with LeeBob and your riding buddies. With LeeBob being a very experienced dirt bike rider/racer, we might all learn something from him.
