glodilox wrote: I'm new to this and not sure how all this works but here i am in chaing mai looking for friends to ride with. I just moved for the states and am going insane with out wheels, i am looking for a bike as well. please if anyone has time or a little information contact me. thanks so much.
Many of us on the forum like to & do ride, but it's pretty hard to answer you on what & where to ride when we don't know you or what you like to ride or where.
BTW is it a scooter, or a M-X or a sport bike or big cruiser / chopper or a dual purpose adventure machine? Do you go slow, fast or cruise around??
I usually hang out in the Kafe - late breakfast 11AM+, & evenings after 9.30PM.
Swing by & ask if David has been in, but I will be away up North the next 3 - 4 days.
Backdoorphil is also looking for people to ride with.
Also if you have the time, work your way through New Users section on the forum
and them some of the trip reports
There's more than enough info on GT Rider to give any man or woman the courage to get on a bike to ride North Thailand / Laos, alone or with a riding partner.
Simply rent a bike & start riding, contribute some trip reports & you will soon make new biking mates.
If you like to watch F1 & MotoGP visit
Bungy's X-Centre in Mae Rim,
Schackster's Euro Diner on Ratchawithi Rd
Thursday night there's a group of guys who meet to drink & talk bikes at the Number One Bar on Loi Kroa, but they don't post much on here.
I hope this is a help getting you started.