Yesterday, the first time since 2004, I crossed into Cambodia at Aranyaprethet. While the immigration officers are curteous, the farang still gets subjected to touts who "adopt" him, Without any encouragement by the sucker, of course. These touts first try to lead the sucker to an "authorized travel agency" some 200 m before the border.
At the Cambodian side, there is a canteen. An officer collects 1,000 Baht plus a photo (which won't be used in the normal way, what is this all about?). Then disappears for 5 minutes.
The tout feeds some b.s. story about the need to pay "500 Baht' to get stamped in and out. I ignore the guy, but cant prevent him from following like my shadow.
Across the street, on the right is a small wood booth with seats for 3. Named "Immigration Information". Here, these clowns want to collect 300 Baht to get stamped in and out at once
Just gimme the entry stamp and I will say hi on my way out for the exit stamp.
I'm bathing in shame and remorse - I negotiated 200 Baht.
An officer jumps on his bike and brings the passport back: VISA = voided as "used", entry and exit stamps all made. Welcome to Cambodia as an illegal who is supposed to have left the country again. :x Chris
At the Cambodian side, there is a canteen. An officer collects 1,000 Baht plus a photo (which won't be used in the normal way, what is this all about?). Then disappears for 5 minutes.
The tout feeds some b.s. story about the need to pay "500 Baht' to get stamped in and out. I ignore the guy, but cant prevent him from following like my shadow.
Across the street, on the right is a small wood booth with seats for 3. Named "Immigration Information". Here, these clowns want to collect 300 Baht to get stamped in and out at once
Just gimme the entry stamp and I will say hi on my way out for the exit stamp.
I'm bathing in shame and remorse - I negotiated 200 Baht.
An officer jumps on his bike and brings the passport back: VISA = voided as "used", entry and exit stamps all made. Welcome to Cambodia as an illegal who is supposed to have left the country again. :x Chris