Sorry for the Delay Gentleman but this should appease the Situation on Photos!
From CM we started off Late and at a Frantic Pace for reasons I won't go into now! This lead to Mike on His Harley to Crack on ahead from the Lampang Shell station to get some Lead on Us so as not to slow Us down! Anyway once We left heading to Denchai around a Corner and this is what We came across!
Harley Down!
The Skid Marks!
The Damage!
The Cause of the Crash, Some sort of Oil Slick of Something spilt on the inside of this Corner! Very Slippery as West demonstrates by sliding along in His Boots! Not Much chance of Saving it once You have hit it!
Unbelievable but Mike Road it back to Chiang Mai only to find He had a couple of Broken Ribs and a Broken Wrist!!! At 72 Years Old just goes to Show this Ex Navy Seal is Still One Tough Bastard!!! I take My Hat off to You Sir!
From here there was a mixture of errors etc which resulted in Me getting Separated from the Group and As Fate would have it getting a Puncture in the Middle of No Where!!! Something Stabbed My Rear Tyre and I had a pretty instant Deflation which is Extremely Rare for a Tubeless Tyre and Quite Scary for me Trying to come to a Halt!!! After Much Waiting and Cursing My Luck I was finally Rescued By a Nice Thai Couple who managed to go off and Find some Local who came trundling back about an Hour Later with a Plug and a Compressor! Unbelievable!!! Off I went again cautiously testing the Repair but after 50kms or so started picking up the Pace and ended up Blasting towards KK. I actually caught up to John Gooding and His Group on the Way and when I finally arrived at the Kosa Hotel I was the First of Our Group there!!! Anyway checked in Showered and Time for a Beer!!! Had quite a lot of Guys there from all over Thailand including the Secret Soi Guys!
The Kosa Beer Garden.
Good Night had by all! Next morning once I had got up I found out Our Mate "Crazy John" had gotten into a Disagreement with a few Thai Guys about 5 am in the morning? This was resolved with a Quick Beating with a Bat and left John with several Stitches in His Head and Multiple Bruises all over!!! Sort of Put His Weekend to a premature end? Not to be Disheartened We carried on in Fine Form and Washed Our Bikes!
West's Multistrada in New "Pikes Peak" Livery!.
My Tiger.
We went for a ride out to look at the Show then out for a Cruise around the Dam.
An Interesting Trailer Outfit at the Venue!
Some Bikes outside the Kosa Hotel.
Evening We started at the Beer Garden again then Out to the Show!
Show Girl 1.
Show Girl 2.
Show Girl 3.
Grant took the Opportunity to make some New Friends!
An Unusual Bike? It Had a Honda Bros Engine but Check out the Wheels and Brakes!!!
The Police had a few Harley's on Show there!
"Chips" on Patrol!
They had a Huge Beauty Competition!!!
Quite a Line Up!!!
Announcing Winners.
One of the Glamors!
Grant Making another friend!
As I was Leaving I saw this Low Rider Pickup.
I was walking past it and happened to look in the Tray and Check out this???
Far from a Professional or Safe Modification??? As He was driving away the Tray was actually flexing in the middle and bouncing up and down!!! Bizarre!
Anyway next morning We were up early and headed back to CM. The Ride Home was smooth and Uneventful by comparison to the Previous two days so nothing to report from that! Cant Wait for the next one!!!