Moto Bistro...
And the plan was hatched, Maew with the hat on backwards was in ready to ride, on a barrowed bike, should be interesting... I knew he would be severely hungover but being the military man he is I also knew he would punish himself to keep his word
Waiting for Maew to show up... We ended up heading out about an hour late but better late than never.
Fueling up off the 1269
The guy talking me into another route. I guess the buddha foot print trail is off limits now. I had planned on going up Buddha's foot print to Doi Pui and then down LMS or Bamboo.
Thumpun was a great rider and had great knowledge of the trails. The trails were slick as snoot making it pretty sketchy on the down hills
Thump was hauling ass on the little 150. I did some serious bush whacking, drifting off the trail in the mud a couple time trying to keep up with him.
Waiting on the guys
Guys coming out of the jungle very cautiously.
Lane took a soil sample going down a steep muddy section.
Waiting for one more rider...
More slick jungle single track. The guy up top was in his mid 60's I believe and doing very well
Coming back out on to the two track roads