Muppet(and others) misdirection and misguidance roadshow


Nov 2, 2005
Proposed route- 107- 1001-1150-118-120-1091-1092-1148

On a drizzly Tuesday morning after throwing a change of clothes and toothbrush in the tankbag I headed out to the X center to join with the Muppets, Happy Feet ride over to Nan and back. Being the last one to arrive I had a quick brekky while the others discussed which route we should take with the idea being to avoid the rain as much as possible but still ride the enjoyable roads. First step was to Phrao via the Mae Ngat dam then straight up the 1001 to rendezvous at Captain Slash’s oasis in the main street.

Apparently not everyone was aware that Phrao had a main street with a Captain Slash oasis and only 6 out of the 7 bikes turned. The ambassador had gone AWOL (despite having a GPS) so after sending an sms to him advising the next stop would be in Mae Kachan at Black Canyon in the Shell gas station near the junction of 118 and 120 we proceeded across the 1150. The sport bike riders rode in one group while the motad riders and AT followed in another so that everyone could ride at their own pace and have fun. The roads had dried out so Honda Honky was off at warp speeds on the Kwaka while the followers chose a slightly more sedate pace.

After gassing up and snacks in Black Canyon the ambassador still hadn’t turned up nor was there any response to the sms’s sent but just as we were leaving he called…from the junction of 118 and 1, almost in Chiang Rai. (Stupid GPS!)
No real drama since he would just head down the 1 highway and meet us south of Phayao where we turn to head east. In the meantime Somchai had decided that he would head back to Chiang Mai as his Hayabusa was not handling well so he was struggling with it in the corners so we were down to 5 riders for the sprint across the 120 to Phayao.

Amazing ride! Racetrack surface almost all the way so Honda Honky and I were able to ride the bikes like they should be ridden, with the odd drama here and there. It was rather interesting viewing as we headed into a sweeping right hand corner at the end of a long straight, then seeing Honda Honky’s head pop up from behind the screen to start braking only to find the road was wet!! I took over at the lead for a while as he regained his composure.
At the pre-arranged point for lunch we found the Ambassador waiting already but he had missed one of the best parts of the trip. Never mind plenty more to come. During lunch we discussed the route to be taken to get to Nan. Decided on the 1091, then left onto the 1092 to come out on the 1148 at the beginning of the twisties. Despite the fact that everyone barring Honda Honky had a GPS and Happy Feet reckoning his GPS batteries went flat, the navigation went somewhat astray.
Only 3 of us met at the gas station in Chun. Topped up and waited a few minutes. No sign of anyone so we continued along the rather unexciting 1091 and turned off on the 1092.


Beautiful day for riding and nice clear views of the rain clouds in the distance! On arrival at the assigned meeting point of 1092 and 1148 (decide at lunchtime) we stopped for a picture and to wait for the other to get there.

30 minutes later and no sign of anyone. Then an sms from Robert. “Where are you, Big & Tall and I are in Chiang Kham at the start of the 1148”. I replied saying they should just continue down the 1148 as we were only about 40km’s down from where they were. Next a call from Happy Feet. “Where are you guys? I’m in Pong and haven’t seen the others at all.” (Somehow straight past the 1092 turn off. Stupid GPS batteries). By now everyone is p*****d off and blaming each other.
Just to add a little more confusion he calls Big & Tall and tell’s them to head straight down to Pong so they meet halfway with the idea being to cut across to the 1148 where we were waiting. He said there was no need to wait and although I agreed we did wait for another hour. 1730 hrs. Hmmm, time to go so we get to Nan before dark. Not 5 km’s down the road going through a village a dog wandering down the side of the road decides to do a u turn right in front of me. Had visions of splattered dog and broken bits of bike all over the road but luckily just clipped the back of the poor animal and sent it spinning across the road like a top. Not even a yelp. Stopped for a moment to inspect the damage (none) and calm done a little before getting underway again straight into a humungous thunderstorm. Needles to say this was in all the twisties, which we had come to enjoy riding and show the Ambassador how wonderful the roads were. Battled through it all and stopped for a drink where Honda Honky was waiting and an sms from Justin arrives. “Where are you guys? I’m in the hotel in Nan already” Honda Honky spat out various un-printable words before getting back on the bike and taking off like a ballistic missile. He didn’t seem to be impressed that we were still on the road, wet and it was getting dark while B&T was in the hotel room already.
The Ambassador and I proceeded at a more leisurely pace arriving at the hotel to find everyone there already. After a few angry-ish comments then everyone starts to lighten up as the stories come out. Mis-communications and understandings were the problem not to mention those stupid GPS thingy’s.
Day 2 next report coming soon
Sep 19, 2006
Yes Indeed What a Wonderful Confused Ride!!! Every other Time i had been through Phrao the Gas Station on the Corner had been the Meeting Place so i was Unaware of any Previous agreement to meet at the 7Eleven. I turn up and Thought "Selfish Bastards Never Bothered Waiting for the Rest of Us" :roll: So off i went which meant now i was in front of Everyone. I was Pushing it out in the Straights and Get to the Main Road and Still No One ( Of Course Not they are Behind Me Dumb Arse :oops: )
So in my Haste to catch up and Not thinking i turned left instead of Right and was Traveling at such speed by the Time i Realised i was going the Wrong Way i was nearly at Charon Cafe the Cake Place :? So Bugger it Carry on and i will meet them at Phayao :idea: I rang Snail to Confirm My Intentions and Off i went. Actually it was the Best Condition i had seen the Chiang Rai road due to all the Rain it had a Clean Surface and pretty good Grip. Drag Strip down to Phayao so good Fast Run. Arrived, Refueled had a Snack and Waited for the others to arrive.
Well i thought after this Embarrassment i will Stick with the others now and we will be right, WRONG :!: After Lunch and Agreements we were off again obviously in all directions :lol: Ended up in 3 Groups and in all Fairness Snail had the Compassion to Wait an Eternity for the others to arrive so myself and Honda Honky kept Him Company. Would have been a Noble Gesture if the rest had actually been on the Same Road but Happy Feet was off Doing a Dirt Motard Motocross on Uncharted Tracks alone searching for Big n Tall and Robert who were happily cruising along by themselves on another Road 8) By the Time we actually got going it wasn't long and we were in a Major Downpour which didn't ease up nearly all the way to Nan!!! Not much fun on a Strange Road in Torrential Rain just on Dark :twisted: I hadn't actually told my GPS to Go to Anywhere as i thought everyone would be together and i was only using it for a Reference to Location " MISTAKE". Once in the Hotel a Shower and a Beer sorted out the Frustration and we were on Track to a Good Night except this was Nan and you probably get more entertainment after Dark in Siberia so after a Walk Home in the Rain it was time to Sleep.
Morning hadn't improved Pouring all night so after a Frugal Breakfast at a Extortionist Price i decided to Head back to CM as i had things to do with less than a week before i go to NZ. Off in the Torrential Rain Snug in My New Wet Weather Gear Pikey had brought back from the UK for me last Trip. After some Confusion ( I Turned on my GPS but it wanted to Take me down a Road was closed for Construction so had to do a bit of Circling to get my Bearings ) I think Honda Honky is Right a Map is Easier :wink: From Nan i took the 101 down to Phrae and the Road Dried up just as the Road opened up and i was in for a Beautiful Fast Smooth Ride, Fantastic :D Yeah this is what i wanted!!! Across to Lampang i got in another Rain Storm after Den Chai through the Mountain but not for to long. heading up to CM another Rain storm and some Showers all the way back to Mae Rim but still a Fun Ride and only took 3 Hours 35 Minutes to get back versus All Day to get there :roll: All in All an Interesting Trip which i may try again some time and hopefully check out some of these Famous Roads around Nan which seemed to be avoiding us this Trip :?: They have to be there because the Ride sure isn't worth it for the Nightlife :idea: "It's the Journey Not the Destination" Right!!!
Mar 15, 2003
This is hilarious! :D I think the next time you guys get together and do a ride you should install GPS transponders on your bikes so the rest of us can sit back and watch the little dots traverse in all different directions around North Thailand.

I have heard various versions recounted by this group in person and it is interesting how the stories differ.

In one version I heard of how you were to meet a Phrae (actually Phrao), the Wawi Coffee shop in Mae Khachan (actually Black Canyon) and a few other mystery locations. I love it!

I probably wouldn't think it was so funny if I had been there. At least you guys all returned safe, except for some flat tires I haven't read about?

Great stories, thanks guys.
Oct 12, 2005
Jesus H. Christ!!!! I was a rider on this trip and reading this trip report I'm even confused. hahahahaha!!!! No wonder we were all misplaced around the countryside.

i'm a bit swamped this afternoon to post but will get to it later this add to the inky murkiness :lol: .
Jun 21, 2006
as a member of the so heralded sbk team, from my perspective it was pretty simple. the route discussed at lunch was 1091 through chun and then turning off on the 1092 to hook us back to the 1148. there may have been mumblings of a meeting point in a gas station along the way. but i fugured with only one route already planned out we would have to cross paths somehwere as long as we waited at the junctions. afterall the stars and stripes duo did have 2 gps's between them. and we figured that rossi would be with them anyway so if they did stutter and panic at one of the 2 TURNOFFS then he would be able to calm them and point them back in the right direction.

so having made our 9sec pitstop at the gas station we motored on and waited for the lost lambs at hte 1092/1148 intersection. if everyone had stuck to the original planned route then our perhaps slightly hasty gas stop/wait for the others stop in chun would have been insignificant as we would all have had to meet up at this intersection. and as you have now read how wrong we were. it was difficult to stay calm in this situation however we managed it by slating off the yankees and some local gal in hot pants provided our hour and a hlafs worth of entertainement. however clearly snail had not let off enough steam as just not 3 kms into the 1148 he had a bit of leftover anger boil to the surface and made a wild swerve into a really friendly looking village dog who dared to share the same stretch of road as the sbk team. big mistake doggy you might have dodged that scooter earlier but the burly ducati was more than a match for this mutt.

i think the main problem comes from overreliance on those dastardly gps machines. it seems the more concentration and effort trying to operate one of those things seems to sap away at rational decision making and common sense. old happy fingers is the only person i know who can use one properly.

however i thoroughly enjoyed the ride( aprt from it pouring down on 1148, a travesty). and enjoyed the time spent on the road with me buddies.