New border 120km from Chiang Mai to open.


Mar 3, 2011
Chiang Mai is getting ready to open the Kiw Pa Wok Border crossing in Chiang Dao District, which connects Thailand and Burma, in order to boost tourism and border trade in five districts around Chiang Mai.

Location: 19°44'37.47" N 98°58'17.43" E

Route 1178 to Aronathai. Waterfalls and Hotsprings. :)


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
This crossing has only ever been a local border crossing.
There was once a thriving market here - for the locals only.
Then the Wa moved in forced out the Shan, drugs started to flow across the border & it was closed.

The current plan is to reopen the local market for trade, with a deal for the Wa to move back a little & let the Burmese through.
The Thai army guys say they expect it to open for local trade only sometime next year, & maybe full international in 2015.

At the moment you cannot even get right to the gate on the border without prior permission from Arunothai.
You are stopped at the checkpoint 500 metres from the border gate.

And why do I know, because
1. Today I was stopped at the checkpoint 500 metres before the border gate & no amount of sweet talk would let me through just to take a photo
2. I also needed to visit the army camp commander to make a complaint about a drunken soldier, endeavouring to intimidate & harass me at the Lin Luang army checkpoint. The guys in the Arunothai army camp were most polite & apologetic; & said they would deal with the drunken moron threatening the farang. A tip of the hat to the army guys in Arunothai.

The border in 98-99?


Some history:
South China Morning Post
Friday, August 20, 1999

Burma accused of 'tit-for-tat' border closure

Chained gang: two members of a Burmese militia, the United Wa State Army, are held in Chiang Mai, Thailand, after allegedly being caught with methamphetamine pills on the border. Burma's junta has sealed up a trading post at the Kiew Pha Wok pass on its border with northern Thailand in what Thai authorities yesterday labelled a "tit-for-tat" response to their crackdown on drug trafficking.

Burma's military junta has sealed up a trading post on its border with northern Thailand in what Thai authorities yesterday labelled a "tit-for-tat" response to their crackdown on drug trafficking.
The Kiew Pha Wok pass, opposite Chiang Dao district in Chiang Mai province, was closed on Wednesday.

"Myanmar [Burma] military officials said they had closed the border pass because of the disappearance of two Myanmar soldiers in Thailand, which actually occurred about six months ago, but my own analysis is this was just tit-for-tat," said Major-General Chamlong Phothong, chief of staff of the Third Army Region.

Last month, Thailand closed the San Ton Du border pass, in nearby Chiang Rai, as part of a bid to stem the yearly flow of an estimated 200 million methamphetamine pills from Burma's Shan state into Thailand.

According to Thai anti-narcotics officials, the biggest supplier of methamphetamines to the Thai market is the United Wa State Army (UWSA) from a base in Mong Yawn, a few kilometres from the San Ton Du crossing.

The junta's close relations with the UWSA, the border closure and accusations that the regime has turned a blind eye to the Wa's massive methamphetamine trade have strained Thai-Burmese relations.

General Chamlong said the closure of the two border passes would hurt the Wa more than it would affect Thai traders.

Source: South China Morning Post. Friday, August 20, 1999.
Dec 14, 2012
Hi there.

Is there anybody tried Kiw Pa Wok Border crossing in November?

And Davidfl, what was the problem with the soldiers? I've never met anything excludieng friendly chatting from them, but usually I don't stop at checkpoints.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Morandzuric;294621 wrote: Hi there.

Is there anybody tried Kiw Pa Wok Border crossing in November?

And Davidfl, what was the problem with the soldiers? I've never met anything excludieng friendly chatting from them, but usually I don't stop at checkpoints.
I ran foul of a drunk soldier, who was so inebriated he could not talk & had difficulty standing up:
I also needed to visit the army camp commander to make a complaint about a drunken soldier, endeavouring to intimidate & harass me at the Lin Luang army checkpoint. The guys in the Arunothai army camp were most polite & apologetic; & said they would deal with the drunken moron threatening the farang. A tip of the hat to the army guys in Arunothai.
The jerk attempted to remove my helmet while I was still wearing it with the strap done up, then I was literally shoved forcefully in the chest while seated on the bike.
That was enough. I rode back 8 kms to locate the army camp & make a complaint.
When I returned they all smiled, standing to attention & waved me on; but there was no sign of the drunken culprit.

BTW how do you have a friendly chat with the soldiers when you usually don't stop?

When does it open:
The Thai army guys say they expect it to open for local trade only sometime next year, & maybe full international in 2015.
Dec 14, 2012
I stop at the checkpoints sometimes to ask some questions about the road conditions and so on.

I've found this new border crossing...closed for foreigners now. Maybe in winter 2014, they said.
May 9, 2014
Does anyone know of some additional new updates to the new border crossing possibility, and when it might open for foreigners.. I know it stated before that in the winter 2014-15 but TIT, never forget. Things change here constantly..


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
It won't open for a "long time" yet is my feeling.
I was out there in February & you were still not allowed out to the old border.

Again it will open as a local border trading market first, then maybe international once they have got suitable buildings for the officials.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
I ran foul of a drunk soldier, who was so inebriated he could not talk & had difficulty standing up:

The jerk attempted to remove my helmet while I was still wearing it with the strap done up, then I was literally shoved forcefully in the chest while seated on the bike.
That was enough. I rode back 8 kms to locate the army camp & make a complaint.
When I returned they all smiled, standing to attention & waved me on; but there was no sign of the drunken culprit.

BTW how do you have a friendly chat with the soldiers when you usually don't stop?

When does it open:

Arunothai & the army checkpoints are in the news again for the wrong reasons.

Army Defends Killing of Ethnic Rights Activist

Witness Says Soldiers Shot Lahu Activist as He Fled Beating

General says he might have shot Lahu activist several times - The Nation

Take care with the checkpoint(s) around Arunothai.
Sep 19, 2006
I know that all The Media is Claiming the Poor Hilltribe Boy was Murdered in Cold Blood and Completely Innocent!
One Might wonder then Why the Car was full of Drugs? Planted on them after the event? The Driver who didn't Run is still alive?
And Why did He have such large amounts of Money in multiple Bank Accounts? At His Young Age? Hard Work Ha Ha?
Of Course We won't mention the Multiple known Drug Trafficking and Dealing Associates and Friends of His?


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