Just found this new HU forum category after I had posted my first message as a newbie on GT-R in the 'General' forum. I should have posted my first entry, titled "HU-NC meeting organizers attend HU-CNX meeting" here. Anyway, I hope you don't mind me copying a part of that first post in this thread, as this is the appropriate place.
Here is the extract from that post:
LeeBob, my wing man on the Baja Asylum Run team, is currently travelling in India with his wife Carolyn (who is also a bike rider), but they will arrive in CNX in a few days' time (10 Jan.). LeeBob (a.k.a. Leewildwater on ADVR) is not a stranger to danger or adventure, as he is a very experienced dirt bike racer who makes his living running a white water rafting/kayaking company in North Carolina.
LeeBob and Carolyn are the organizers of the annual Horizons Unlimited meeting in North Carolina. He emailed me saying that he would be very interested in attending the HU meeting in CNX. Last october LeeBob and Gaspipe attended the HU meeting in Mexico (which I attended twice, in 2003 and 2005). LeeBob is a very cheerful, outgoing, funny personality, and I hope the HU-CNX organizers will extend a warm welcome to their fellow HU meeting organizers. As I'm not familiar with CNX night life, I'm not much of a guide to take them on a tour of the local bar scene. I hope some of the GT-Riders are willing to show them around on a night out on the town or invite them for a ride out. It'll make their first visit to Thailand a lot more memorable.