HIKO wrote: BRIAN.
I saw that You are almost a Newbie on this board so maybe I am a little too rude to You now.
But I’m tired of Newbies not bothering to do their homework before they send their posts. This time You didn’t have any questions which is already answered ten times before on the board but anyhow you could have bothered to look on the same thread 20 post ago.
Pls use your brains when you talk about Gasohol.
Best Rgds
PS 1. I appreciate Your post and Your Racing experience and I hope You will send more posts but pls remember that here can be other persons also with some experience….
I always follow this thread because I have an interest in any information on this subject which seems to polarise people into two opposed camps.
I do not understand the need to be rude, especially to new posters who may well not be experienced in posting here, but may have valuable information to share. I feel that while you say you welcome more posts from Brian, the way you have responded is likely just to cause a flame war.
Can we please be more civilised, by all means correct any innacuracies you see or add information but refrain from the personal critical comments, as it does not help other readers.
And its not tiring to me to have another viewpoint on the subject
And by the way I very much enjoy the technical nature and content of Hiko's posts. I am a Chemistry graduate retired from a career in the rubber industry, so I have a detailed knowledge of some parts of this topic, but little experience of the petroleum industry, which is where Brian works. So I would like to hear his views too.