Going to Kampot.
The best unknown off road is the road which connect from Udong up to Nat. # 3 between Chhuk and Kampot (I forget road #, but look on Gekco map).
You can enter that road from Nat. # 4, on the way to K. Speu. Make left turn and continue strait all the way up to Chum Kiri (Trapiang Riang on the map). Few sand section and river crossing. Here you have the choice to take the easy road (turn left at the market) via Chhuk, or continue strait up to Nat. # 3 by the same road coming from Udong. This rosd conne4ct with Nat. # 3 near the spirti house close to the hill about 15- 20 K North of Kampot. This last section is much more difficult, but good fun. it look like a " canal road" (maybe drying up by now!!)