Another exciting ride lies behind us and we managed to find some more new tracks. As usual we didn't bring a gps – so we only can say it's between Samoeng and Doi Kahm. Pretty hot those days to go out riding out in the jungle – but some new tracks and you quickly forget about that.
One of our highlights was a rocky passage between the main road and the off-road track. First of all we wanted to turn around – but I couldn't resist walking up there and having a look. It was to beautiful to let this opportunity go and so I decide to give it a go. Still not knowing, where we would come out – I took all my stamina to get up there, it was tough with the XR's getting up there, but with a little help from both sides we managed to get the bikes up there.
I must admit at the peak I was running out of air and needed to cool down a little. After that I should explore the way, if it was really worth going there. After 10 minutes I became back to report the good news to George. Yes there's a main road about 5 km's from here.
On my way back I realized that my gear lever wasn't doing what it was supposed to and changing gears was impossible. We tried to find a solution, but the only way to get going was with a loose clutch and the 3 rd gear in – not the best way to do steep climbs, but at the end it worked and I really hope it didn't do any damage to my clutch.
After dropping the bike of at a road side workshop, we went for lunch for an hour. Then back to the shop, but the mechanic didn't come yet, so I decided to get back to Chiang Mai and fix it there.
Sorry for the bad quality of the pictures, they are taken from the video footage and are not very great, but you get an
One of our highlights was a rocky passage between the main road and the off-road track. First of all we wanted to turn around – but I couldn't resist walking up there and having a look. It was to beautiful to let this opportunity go and so I decide to give it a go. Still not knowing, where we would come out – I took all my stamina to get up there, it was tough with the XR's getting up there, but with a little help from both sides we managed to get the bikes up there.
I must admit at the peak I was running out of air and needed to cool down a little. After that I should explore the way, if it was really worth going there. After 10 minutes I became back to report the good news to George. Yes there's a main road about 5 km's from here.
On my way back I realized that my gear lever wasn't doing what it was supposed to and changing gears was impossible. We tried to find a solution, but the only way to get going was with a loose clutch and the 3 rd gear in – not the best way to do steep climbs, but at the end it worked and I really hope it didn't do any damage to my clutch.
After dropping the bike of at a road side workshop, we went for lunch for an hour. Then back to the shop, but the mechanic didn't come yet, so I decided to get back to Chiang Mai and fix it there.
Sorry for the bad quality of the pictures, they are taken from the video footage and are not very great, but you get an