Sorry to say but most of the Motorbikes in Thailand sold by Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki...are made in Thailand. The same goes for the so-called japanese Cars too. Even the kawasaki Er6n , er6f are made here. I think you should review your "non-japanese" policy again. here is a bit more read about tiger: wrote: the tiger retro looks nice, if it would be a honda i'd say go for it; but i bought a new jrd for 30k once and said to myself that i'll never buy anything non-japanese ever again! lousy fit and finish, the fuel hoses needed to be replaced afte a couple of months since they deteriorated, it stareted rattling and so on; takes the fun out of it!
Hi Captain,Captain_Slash wrote: mbox999
How much did you pay for tha Boxer 250RS?
Well i gave Tiger Bikes a chance and am glad i did. Just because you see a lot of cbr's doesn't mean the tigers are bad - maybe their advertising is not sufficient but thats another story. in fact there should be about 100000 police boxers out. i am unsure why you come up with all these quality issues...maybe on a jrd but not on my Tiger boxer 250 rs ... i am posting about something here that i am driving about you? Ever driven a Tiger Bike extensive enough to evaluate??? :roll:KZ wrote: I have been aware of the fact that japanese motorcycles are assembled in Thailand, even their engines, since I bought my first Honda Wave 110 here eight years ago. It's still running strong with over 60.000km and even looks good, no faded plastic or rusted rims; I took good care of it.
Bikes assembled here under japanese supervision and quality control are still way better than other makers under thai or other supervision. It's definitely possible to do lots of km on a Tiger, but when it comes to motorcycles, they have to be fun. If they have a weird seating position, plastic that rattles, a disc brake that locks up, a seat made of card board, headlights that can't be adjusted, poor fit and finish, spokes and exhausts that rust after half a year, smell of fuel who knows why and are generally no fun to drive - I rather pay a bit more and get a Honda (or...) than a cheap substitute I don't feel like riding.
Maybe I'm not the only one who feels this way, I see lots of CBR150s, a proven bike, but rarely ever a Tiger 200.
But let's not spoil Franz' thread about a nice looking Honda retro copy with too much bickering - give Tiger a chance if you want to.
Franz, you're right i needed to add some here some pics of Austrian & Thai flags attached.Franz wrote: Nice one Rainhard, but you should add some flowerholders and attach some Edelweiss and both the THA and AUT flag !!!! :mrgreen: 5555555....
Contrary to previous posts, I'm gonna skip the pink Retro and get meeself a SR400 with rego and then do this in my favourite colours.....
cheers, Franz