Hi guys,
Please don't flame me for some of my ignorant questions. I've been reading up on here but I'm conscious that some of the threads I might be taking for gospel date back to 2003 so some might not be so up to date. As such I have a few (hopefully simple) questions for you.
The plan:
Basically, fly into Hanoi, buy 2 Minsks, 2 months, big diversion into Laos, fly out of HCMC.
That's pretty much it. We don't have too many 'rigid' plans and are pretty relaxed in which roads we end up traveling. It's always easier to make a informed decision on the road rather then from a map months prior to the trip. This said of course we do need a bit of a rough itinerary.
We are thinking of coming into Laos from Vietnam at the Na Meo/Na Xoi crossing. How is this crossing? Is it a difficult entry point into Laos? From my understanding it seems easy to exit Vietnam but harder to enter. Other than bike registration papers is there anything else that will be required?
Our back up for this entry point would be Nam Kanh/Nam Can. Any information regarding this would be great too.
The entry into Vietnam ideally would be Dene Savanh/Lao Bao. This is my major cause of concern as I always seem to be reading about the difficulties of getting into Vietnam.
As per this map it also seems to indicate that it is not an entry point for motorcycles. I'm not sure how far this rings true as I seem to be reading of entries at other points that are also flagged the same. Any information regarding this crossing? Anyone done it? Any stories of successful entries? Anything that will need to be prepared prior to re-entry?
I'm thinking that the entry point on Route 8 would serve as a back-up at this stage although I would like to travel a further south if possible before heading back into Vietnam.
Any advice or information would be much appreciated! :thumbup:
Please don't flame me for some of my ignorant questions. I've been reading up on here but I'm conscious that some of the threads I might be taking for gospel date back to 2003 so some might not be so up to date. As such I have a few (hopefully simple) questions for you.
The plan:
Basically, fly into Hanoi, buy 2 Minsks, 2 months, big diversion into Laos, fly out of HCMC.
That's pretty much it. We don't have too many 'rigid' plans and are pretty relaxed in which roads we end up traveling. It's always easier to make a informed decision on the road rather then from a map months prior to the trip. This said of course we do need a bit of a rough itinerary.
We are thinking of coming into Laos from Vietnam at the Na Meo/Na Xoi crossing. How is this crossing? Is it a difficult entry point into Laos? From my understanding it seems easy to exit Vietnam but harder to enter. Other than bike registration papers is there anything else that will be required?
Our back up for this entry point would be Nam Kanh/Nam Can. Any information regarding this would be great too.
The entry into Vietnam ideally would be Dene Savanh/Lao Bao. This is my major cause of concern as I always seem to be reading about the difficulties of getting into Vietnam.
As per this map it also seems to indicate that it is not an entry point for motorcycles. I'm not sure how far this rings true as I seem to be reading of entries at other points that are also flagged the same. Any information regarding this crossing? Anyone done it? Any stories of successful entries? Anything that will need to be prepared prior to re-entry?
I'm thinking that the entry point on Route 8 would serve as a back-up at this stage although I would like to travel a further south if possible before heading back into Vietnam.
Any advice or information would be much appreciated! :thumbup: