I haven't really been to many four now counting this one, Nice enough. But I think in comparison to the others I've been to there is room for improvement. Actaully it was a lot smaller as far as attendance then I expected. There were more at Nung Bua Lamphu's first atttept. Entrance fee was certainly reaonable. But to even ge a drink of water yuo were payning, Thye had two food set ups, one as prat of the entrance fee and anothe that you had to purchase each item. I'm far form a expert on Thai food, so let me put it this way on the way to the Hotel picked up nooden she wasn't happy with what was free nor what was sold. Me I don'tt like to nooden so I finsihed the night hungry LOL
Not many exibits, Harley's forsale Some good safety eqquipment jackets Ect, but no bargains by any means. Saw a exhibit bothe wihth some very large backtires and some fancy shocks, The rest seemed to be being sold by guys In Jamicn head gear and the posters fo a Jmaican singer. Kind of got lost on that one.
Considering this was there eight annual though thye probably could have done better, Well we did get a patch and a decal for the entrance fee.
The other thing that I tought was kind of intersting is usually you get to meet people at this events, The only peopel that spoke to us were he ones that we aready knew from Udon or had conversations on the site with.
The only adverstising I saw on it was a flyer in Thai, Didn't see that many farrangs there. Maybe that how they want it, kind of looked like ti. My wife has aready said no go back!!! I might just agree with her, when i have time to think about it. Neither one of drink so I never exaluate one of these thing on drinking, since I know plently of places to drink without riding 900 Klms for it.
On the other hand she is looking forward to the Next Udon event and is already talking about Chaing Mia. We had fun in Udon and the Nung Bua Lamphu evetns heck it wa a graat ride and we did go on the parade around town so not all bad LOL