NorThai wrote: [quote quote=Marco][quote quote=NorThai][quote quote=bard]I am not home from work until the 14th so again I miss out a great event...
This is getting to a state where it's not fun...
Sorry to hear that Bard :cry: I might miss out myself then, but hey, there will be other great events in Thailand

Hi NorThai
there is no reasson to miss that out,, Bard will be in many Bike weeks and just hop on your bike and head to road, you will make many friends on the road,, and it seems that i might head to BS by my self, as my bike is back home now and im rebuilding it.
You coming from KK direction?
IF you head to BS bike week what road you are planing to take,, (Hope not HW :wink

and when you are planing to leave?
i might tag a long, if you like
Hey Marco, thanks for the invite :wink: It`s sounds greate to have someone to drive with down to Bang Saen
IF I go? I have to think about that for a while.
I will go for the route Dougal recomended:
"I would do a fast run to Korat and turn left on the 304 to Kabin Buri. Nice road. Then carry straight on on the 331 and look for the signs for Chonburi (right turn). You will get on Sukhumvit Road (turn left) for Bang Saen."
I have to bail out as im back home and bike is in CM next few weeks.
THis is my luck, i changed 7 seal's & Gasgets in my clutch repair and following day when i finally got bike out, it leaked oil :cry:
So while i was in Franz house party i desided to put her in to BM dealer in CM for Qualifyed hands and see where is the problem, and of course problem was in Working cylinder seal from Engine side what cause the leak, only seal we did not change,, so now that will be changed and hopefully my problems are behind(Hopefully)
So no Bike week for me this time but CM bike week for sure