CDI repairs

May 28, 2007
Hey Guys,
Just to let you all know about a guy who repairs CDI's.

A few months ago I started having problems with a cdi,so I went back to the shop where I bought my bike. Prechayanont.
They ordered a new one from Japan and it took 3 weeks(5500).Problem solved or so I thought. I kept having intermittent problems with the cdi, I thought it was the cable going into the cdi was loose cos when I jiggled it a bit it would work.The mechanics at the shop weren't the best, I got the impression that the owners of the shop sub-contracted the repairs to the guys outside the shop.
Anyway after going to several other shops I found a shop that advertises on Link removed went there yesterday,and he fixed the problem in less than an hour. It wasn't the cable going into the cdi,it was the second cdi that was faulty!!,he demonstrated the problem to prove he was right. he charged me 2500 for a second hand cdi. I'm sooo happy my bike's working again.
If your interested his shop is a real hole in the wall, down a smaall soi about 30 yards on the left.

Soi 29 off rama vi near the intersection of Pethburi and Rama 6(which is directly under the expressway)
His phone is 086-5510634, you should have a thai speaking friend call him.
May 25, 2006
Hi Ger,

Congratulation for your post, you're right to promote this kind of guys !!!

That's Thailand, that's Asia, it's good features.

I think we all have this kind of story we should report.

Good luck my Friend !
Apr 22, 2003
Get your voltage regulator checked out, as the main cause of CDI problems is over charging, constant over chargeing fries the switching transistors and seeing your on your 3rd CDI unit thier must be something causing it, the other thing to look at is all your connections in your wiring loom, if you have dirty or bad connections in those plastic plugs you will get resistance, hense voltage drop back to the voltage sensor in your regulator, which will make it think that the battery needs charge and keep pushing volts down the line to compensate, this constant over charge will eventually nuke your CDI.
May 28, 2007
Thanks Guys,
AZOULAY Hope it helps somebody else in the future

jonadda-Thanks will get that checked out next time I go to get it serviced
Oct 17, 2006
There is a company in UK and germany that does CDI repairs worldwide ,cars and bikes cant remember the name tho