An attempt by Alan Bates, a Chiang Khong resident to ride the world in 99 days...
Cycling Around The Planet World Record Attempt
Alan has ASIAN records for
1. Chiang Mai to Tak (8 hours 23 m, 287 km)
2. Chiang Mai to Bangkok (26 hours 4 m, 760 km)
3. Phuket to Bangkok (29 hours 15 m,930 km)
4. Chiang Khong to Chiang Rai(2 hours 42 m,105 km, at a record 43.6 km per hour.
Cycling Around The Planet World Record Attempt
Alan has ASIAN records for
1. Chiang Mai to Tak (8 hours 23 m, 287 km)
2. Chiang Mai to Bangkok (26 hours 4 m, 760 km)
3. Phuket to Bangkok (29 hours 15 m,930 km)
4. Chiang Khong to Chiang Rai(2 hours 42 m,105 km, at a record 43.6 km per hour.