pikey wrote:
Maybe we should all invest in flourescent orange leathers, flashing lights and some kind of siren to even up the odds a bit when we are out riding!!!
I was pretty much talking "tongue in cheek" there. Headlight modulators sound interesting and whilst we don't know the circumstances of Dave's smack-up, my observation is that the locals have no concept of speed so think they can complete their manouevre (sane or crazy) before you are occupying their space (if they even bother to look!).
Driver/rider education for the locals is the way to go but given the current standard of driving on the roads, that would be a bit like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted....
For the time being, once my bike is repaired, I'll be doing the following in the cause of self-preservation:
wear decent kit,
right down through villages, especially in rural areas,
cover the brakes and the horn,
fit loud pipes
Attempt to grow 3 more sets of eyes and refine my reaction time to the speed of a striking cobra! :wink: