Exceptional Honda 750cc Shadow, legal, needs no work

Dec 21, 2008
An exceptional Honda Shadow 750cc ACE motorcycle with only 20,000 kilometers since full restoration.

Religiously maintained
Never wrecked
Always kept under cover
New high-quality battery
Recent chain
Current registration and insurance
LEGAL TITLE - needs NO work.

Hondaline backrest/luggage rack installed, very roomy real leather saddlebags included.

This is a painful parting - a GREAT running machine but health reasons are forcing its sale - 199,000 THB firm.



Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Sounds like a good deal with rego; but the million baht question for any serious bike buyer - where is the bike registered.
Is it a Chiang Mai rego, or an out of town rego?
Whatever I hope you make a sale.
Dec 21, 2008
An interesting question.

The book and registration are in my wife's name and we have it inspected and registered every year here at the CM "Tax Office" (as she calls it), the same place that just registered her new Phantom. The name on the plate itself is Rayong but that has never been questioned.

So I guess to answer your question, it is registered in Chiang Mai...


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Dustoff wrote: ~
An interesting question.

The book and registration are in my wife's name and we have it inspected and registered every year here at the CM "Tax Office" (as she calls it), the same place that just registered her new Phantom. The name on the plate itself is Rayong but that has never been questioned.

So I guess to answer your question, it is registered in Chiang Mai...
Well if the plate says Rayong, the bike's registered in Rayong but with the rego renewable elsewhere. The same as my AT - registered "elsewhere", in Bangkok with a Chiang Mai address - but rego renewal in Chiang Mai & elsewhere. Technically however it is a Bangkok bike.
Transfer of ownership then is another question & may well need to be done in Rayong if it does not pass a closer VIN # inspection for Chiang Mai city registration. Whatever - good luck. For any prospective buyers I think the bike looks to be good value for money. So check it out.
Dec 21, 2008
Wow. If I didn't know better, I would think this was a concentrated effort to sharpshoot my ad while seeming very nice about it. My wife knows one of the officers at the tax office and he seems to think, as of today, that you are perhaps over-complicating things. Our title and registration papers are in order and legal.

When we purchased the bike, here in CM, we certainly did not have to go to Rayong to do it and the registration has always been a snap.

But thanks so much for encouraging people to check it out. It is indeed one very good price for this machine.


Aug 31, 2009
While wishing you and any other seller good luck, may I suggest to ALWAYS post known details like the year a bike was built?

To be honest, that matters to me. This isn't the first add without such crucial information.

Ride on



Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Dustoff wrote: ~
Wow. If I didn't know better, I would think this was a concentrated effort to sharpshoot my ad while seeming very nice about it. My wife knows one of the officers at the tax office and he seems to think, as of today, that you are perhaps over-complicating things. Our title and registration papers are in order and legal.

When we purchased the bike, here in CM, we certainly did not have to go to Rayong to do it and the registration has always been a snap.

But thanks so much for encouraging people to check it out. It is indeed one very good price for this machine.
It was not intended to shoot down your for sale advert. I was merely trying to clarify the rego status, as any potential buyer would need to know - where is the bike registered. It is a proper rego or a recycled book rego. If the bike is registered in Cnx, then it should be 100% legit as the Cnx rego office is extremely strict with bike rego & ownership transfer.
I hope you make a sale, as I think the bike is good value for money.
When & if you do make a sale please let us know how the ownership transfer goes, as indeed you will know better.
Dec 21, 2008

Thanks for the concerns but my wife just took everything to the main registration office and the bike is fully legal to sell. They only suggested that she bring her address up to date and put a Chiangmai plate on the bike which she did for the huge sum of 25 THB.

I have a promised buyer and we will do the sale on Wed morning when the CM plate will be ready. After that is accomplished, I will remove this ad.

Sorry I left off the year - Feb of 97 is the manufacture date - but I thought it didn't matter a lot since the bike has since been restored to new condition. For future reference, it only takes a couple of minutes to compare the photo with bikes on the manufacturer's webpages to establish the year and model.

These ads worked well indeed - I also had ads on ThaiVisa and Baht&Sold, had lots of calls and even had to turn away two very interested buyers because the machine was already promised to the current buyer.

Thanks, David and GT Rider!


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Dustoff wrote: ~

Thanks for the concerns but my wife just took everything to the main registration office and the bike is fully legal to sell. They only suggested that she bring her address up to date and put a Chiangmai plate on the bike which she did for the huge sum of 25 THB.

I have a promised buyer and we will do the sale on Wed morning when the CM plate will be ready. After that is accomplished, I will remove this ad.
That's good news indeed if you're getting a Chiang Mai plate, because that would indicate your rego is 100% legit with no engine & frame numbers being re-stamped to match up with an older book. Legit regos have been / & are hard to get so both yourself & the new owner are lucky people.
No trouble to leave your ad up, just make a note that the bike's been sold.
Oct 17, 2006
Dustoff... your wife did the right thing in getting a CM plate on the bike now its fully legal and transferable as its on the bangkok computer and has local plate to where the owner lives and green book, so many people do not have the bikes plate registered in the Province where they live that is not actually legal for sales transfer,

good luck on the sale it looks a rally nice bike and a fair price.
Aug 7, 2003

Not quite right, the motor vehicle registration deparment even has a document for out of province transfer that needs to be filled in, mind you it can take a long time as all the documents go back to the original office for checking and the new province issues a new number plate. Never usually less than 3 months if evrything is correct.


Feb 8, 2007
Nice for you Dustoff! Well done and quicly...

That's right harrythefinn... I just did it on my new toy F650GS.
It has been previously registered in BKK since new but as I'm settled in CNX I wanted a CNX registration (and plate)... Not difficult at all, but here in CNX, as usually they made their work thoroughly! A lot of controls, papers, hand writings, notes and several different officers...
First I had to register it in my name in BKK, and then, I understood they sent part of (or all) the documents I had collected here for the change to BKK to "allow" the move and "erase" the bike from BKK registration lists...
It takes 8 weeks to transfer the F650GS from BKK to CNX... but it cost only 25 Bahts to do it, plus a new tax-sticker from CNX office at the "delivery" of the new plate : 125 Bahts.

I was surpised a bit to read a note hand written by an CNX officer and stappled on top of the file: "Check expensive motorcycle"... I didn't dare to ask why this note was added... :roll:
Maybe they "tighten" controls on big bikes...

Just for the fun: the new number in CNX is 654... a kind of "lucky number" for me because it's the reference number of the Rotax/BMW single engine in Rotax/BMW factories files (650cc and 4 valves)!

Well, just to say...
