Laos Accident Report

Aug 6, 2017
Then it happened, after thousand of km on Laos roads over 15 years
Crossed over from bkk to vt, couple of days in vte before heading south to champasak were I reside.
the usual Thakek loop wich I always find nice and keep you sane, as the 13 is the most boring road in laos.

One night in Thakek, catch up with friends
Savanakhet for the same reason,.

South of savanakhet 20 km down from Paksong songkon I decided to overtake a scooter with two teen girls on it they behaved a bit confusing and no indicatiors flashing just when I was about to pass the scooter it took a sharp turn left and straight in to my right pannier and lifted the whole rear of the bike up in the air, my passenger flew off and landed 6 metres from the first contact point.

I tried to get control over the bike but ended in the ditch,and finally front wheel hit a drainage pipe me landed two metres from the bike but was quick to get up as the speed was under 50 I was not to fucked up I thought.

I ran back and checked the pillon and controled that kegs could move and that she was conchious.,she was in great pain but not dead.
A private van took us back towards savanakhet to paksong where there is a very small hospital.
I walked in to the hospital on my legs pillon on a stretcher.
I discussed with the staff at the hospital after we got the x ray and decided to get a ambulance to pakse wich is 170 km from Paksong songkon.
1.5 m kip later we here in our way to pakse, I could not walk out from that hospital
Neither in to pakse hospital.,
Pillon was comited to hospital but it was full so I decided to get ambulance to take me home to the family, I made sure I had a guard by my bed all night in case of inner bleeding.

3 days later I was back on my knees pissing in a toilet
Parents of the two girls was constantly on the phone eager to settle this matter,
Politely we refused to talk about it until we both were back on our feet walking.

3 weeks went by and the import permit on the bike was about to expire and we had to go back to crash site.
1000 bth penalty is not something i wanted, nice chat with police.
Parents of the kids came to negotiate they offered 300 us
We laught and Said lawsuit and court, they ended up paying 1000'us,.
Off we went with bus to savanakhet and meet an old French friend jerome, he knew a guy that took the wreck of my hands for 700 $,

Custom wanted pictures of wreck and I had a police report that the bike was fucked.





They said keep pictures and police report, u should not have any problems later taking a new bike over custom and immigration Dont talk together she said
Thai side she said wouldn't be a problem either with letter from the police

Now back in Pakse looking for a vfr 1200 lol

The dent in the petrol tank is my left testicle


End of story, the two girls did not suffer any major damage, they where both 13 yo and no license ofcource and motorcycle no insurance or reg.

My Laos insurance will pay the med bills and ambulance fee.

If this had happened in Thailand I think it's a risk that I would be hold responsible for the whole thing

If Ive been in a Bentley Rols Royse or lexus the kids wouldn't be alive today
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Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
That's an amazing escape & story.
I sincerely hope that Joy, your pillion passenger is ok too now.
Both of you are extremely lucky.

What I've noticed in Laos nowadays is the number of vehicles on the road & drivers / riders with no real sense of road traffic sense or safety.
I was recently on R13S too from Tha Khek to Savan, for the Savanannakhet Fun festival & was astounded by the amount of traffic on the road down there.
I was last down there justb 3 or 4 years ago; but you really do need to watch your game & stay alert all the time. The roads are not empty anymore, as you too will have noticed. The good ól days are gone.

What was the insurance company you were with?
What coverage did you have?
I always try to get the maximum 3rd party you can get for the time I'm in the country.
I've never had to test it out yt & always wonderedhow you would go in a claim / accident, but it does sem as if it does work with the limited amount of coverage you get.

I'm interested know you go with Thai customs now & the temporary export permit.
Does showing them photos of the wrecked bike clear you in the computer?

Many thanks for the report.

Both of you get well soon.
Oct 11, 2009
If your testicle did that to the tank you really do have big balls Seriously glad you survived and handled it so well a really nasty crash.
Safe riding
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Jun 23, 2011
Oh wow..I am so sorry that happened to you, and glad everyone was ok in the end, despite the recovery period and write-off.
Always chilling to read these stories. Safe travels ..
Oct 17, 2006
blimey thats nasty accident glad ur ok sad about the bike ,, will you lose out financially ??


Aug 19, 2012
Thats a bad accident mate. Hopefully you both will be able to recover 100 %, take the time neccesary.
A new bike can be purchased, so a chance to try out something new.

But what the heck - two 13 year kids on a scooter without plates, license, insurance, etc etc...? The absolutely worst part is that I think youre quite right that if this had happend in Thailand you would be responsible. At least they would have tried all that they could to blame it on you....

Note for future riding trips: Remember to drain your testicles a bit more often so that they dont make such a mess on the gas tank....:D:p;)
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Aug 6, 2017
3 months later ,back on my knees and left Laos without the bike two days ago with the purpose of getting a new bike .
Then it's back to Laos again and try to hit some more kids on scooters.

All good with custom ,the Laos custom told me not to worry about leaving the motorcycle in Laos as immigration and customs does not communicate.

When I do think about it It's a lot of somchais leaving cars and motorcycles in Laos without any consequences .
I had no problems leaving Laos other than a feeling that I really didn't want to leave .
Thai side no questions asked .

Let's see what happens when trying to get another bike over

Leaving np tomorrow and fly to bkk, hopefully get wheels during this week and spend as little time as possible over here .


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
3 months later ,back on my knees and left Laos without the bike two days ago with the purpose of getting a new bike .
Then it's back to Laos again and try to hit some more kids on scooters.

All good with custom ,the Laos custom told me not to worry about leaving the motorcycle in Laos as immigration and customs does not communicate.

When I do think about it It's a lot of somchais leaving cars and motorcycles in Laos without any consequences .
I had no problems leaving Laos other than a feeling that I really didn't want to leave .
Thai side no questions asked .

Let's see what happens when trying to get another bike over

Leaving np tomorrow and fly to bkk, hopefully get wheels during this week and spend as little time as possible over here .

Ah yes that will be interesting with Thai customs when you next try to cross with a bike.
I wonder what they will say if it will only be the 1,000 baht fine?
Good luck with the new bike & let me know how & where you go getting back into Laos.
Many thanks for the update.
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Aug 6, 2017
Successfully crossed back over to Laos yesterday in Nong Khai.

All good until the custom lady Thai side asked me where is green bike with 1177 number plate, & the export permit.

Now I was on a bkk reg vfr 1200.

Lots of discussion lots of boss and boss of the bosses. One hour later I'd explained about the accident with the Kawasaki & shown them pictures of wreck, and they found a solution.....
They issued new export permit and cancelled it
Pragmatic Thai style. So now the wreck is officially back in Thailand again.

It was very close that they denied me to export with the VFR1200.
At first they told me to take the bus down to Savanakhet and find the papers and my green book
4000 baht and off the blacklist.

Over the bridge entered Laos no problems.


The border totally deserted
Temperature scan mandatory
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Aug 6, 2017
Not sure About vet yet, yes it's Dct,that took about 600 km to get used to. When switch to manual it shifts fastet than you can do it.
Two days you will be looking for the clutch and gear level
I am used to heavy equipment, the k1300gt was not light weight either
This is a very fast bike almost as fast as the z1000 sx I crashed maybe faster
The quality feels superior to the sx
Break are much better.
Seat better, riding position feels more aggressive than the sx, weird enough. It's built for grown up people.
Tremendous power when you use thee manual shifting.
Different characteristics than inline four
Feels more brutal, same feeling I had when tested the vmax in the eighties this one had only 3900 km on the odo, I consider it a bargain.
I like it more every day