Need info on Vietnam, please.

Dec 18, 2003
I have 3 months in the region this winter(Jan-Apr), so I'm hoping to get a little riding done in Vietnam and/or Laos in addition to a lot in Cambodia. Basically, I'd like to know the following:

-- Map recommendations, GPS compatible, preferably, for riding specifically.

-- Rental advice: costs and feasibility, type of bikes available, and where.

-- where to find up-to-date info on road conditions? Any good books?


Nov 17, 2004
The best source of information is

Coung in Hanoi will rent you a great bike and he's the patron saint of the Minsk Club.

I live in the mountains up north in Sa Pa from time to time take people out that can actually ride. I go deep into the off road, no maps, no gps, just small roads I know like the back of my hand, lots of time out there.

TravelIndochina runs great tours and are realy fun guys.

Dec 18, 2003
Thanks for the info -- the Minsk Club website is very helpful, and I've yet to get through even a small portion of it. However, now I have another question: the website mentions advises getting a valid Vietnamese motorcycle-driving license. How essential is this, ie can it be avoided with confidence that not having one won't bite you in the ass later? Is it necessary for renting a bike? I'd prefer to avoid Vienamese bureaucracy if at all possible.

Also, how much per day for a solid rental Minsk?

Thanks again in advance. Maybe I could catch a ride with you in Feb or March, eh?