Once again, I'ld like to recommand you a shop for bikers in Bangkok:
Antinoc Industrial Co. Ltd
385, 391 Road T. Thepsilin A Pomprab
Tel.: 02214356, 02224727
Fax. 02217566
This is a helmet Thai maker, please don't laugh so quickly they have a wonderfull collection of rather good quality helmets, leather goods, gloves and motobike boots (ooff-road and road) at very affordable prices (Thai standarts).
On top, they import from time to time some Taiwanese helmets of a very good quality such N & K helmets (Off-Road and X-Bike).
The factory shop is held by a very respectable Chinese-Thai woman, very kind and efficient, a word is a word and a date is a date.
You can also bring your old helmet to be refurbished for 500 to 1.000 TBH, your helmet will be repaint and the inside (words are missing for me) will be completly renew with exchange of the garnment and buckle.
The work is of very good quality and I brang from France already 2 ROOF helmets which have been wonderfully renewed inside and outside + a new plexi mirror screen.
Friends from paris, to whom i told the story as well come to this shop to rework their old helmets there as well.
On an other hand, they have a very nice collection in oldish style a bit for the purist who know such as the Cromwell from the past, but paint with art !!!
Enjoy it !!!