GT Rider Up Country Dinner # 31 Tha Ton.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Trying to get the GTR up Country dinners going again that have been seriously hampered by the covid-19 restrictions.

I have been in touch with the Saranya Resort & they are agreeable to us holding a private function.
They will confirm again on 20th August, subject to local health department approval.

If anyone has had a vax already, they would like to have details to advise the health department.

We are able to drink on premises at the Saranya.
Dinner can be served at the Chankasem until 9pm, at which time we would be required to move back to the hotel.
OR, we have dinner delivered to the Saranya & enjoy the night onsite there.

Let's see what the word is on the 20th August.

For me & the anti-vax people. The reality will be that eventually we will all need a vax to travel freely in the future.
So get the cheapest weakest vax asap - Sinovac? Just my thoughts, but please yourself.
No need for an unending political or conspiracy debate on covid & the vax world.

The last GTR Dinner in Tha Ton
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Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
We have a 2nd option for the end of the month @ Takhong, Had Bai, the sunset resort & restaurant on the Mekong.

The owner agrees to a private GTR function onsite.

Let's see how events develop later on August.
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Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Trying to get the GTR up Country dinners going again that have been seriously hampered by the covid-19 restrictions.

I have been in touch with the Saranya Resort & they are agreeable to us holding a private function.
They will confirm again on 20th August, subject to local health department approval.

If anyone has had a vax already, they would like to have details to advise the health department.

We are able to drink on premises at the Saranya.
Dinner can be served at the Chankasem until 9pm, at which time we would be required to move back to the hotel.
OR, we have dinner delivered to the Saranya & enjoy the night onsite there.

Let's see what the word is on the 20th August.

For me & the anti-vax people. The reality will be that eventually we will all need a vax to travel freely in the future.
So get the cheapest weakest vax asap - Sinovac? Just my thoughts, but please yourself.
No need for an unending political or conspiracy debate on covid & the vax world.

The last GTR Dinner in Tha Ton

A message from the Saranya at Tha Ton that yes we may have a GTR dinner there.
So the date = the last Wednesday of the month, Wednesday 25th August.

The deal is
Happy hour at the Saranya / Chankasem
Dinner at the Chankasem. Closing time 9pm.

9pm retire to the Saranya.

To book your room at Saranya:
Tel: 089 851 7072
The room prices are
800฿ for single room extra 100฿ for double room.

The Saranya needs everyone's details - Name / Address/ Contact - in advance to submit to the local health department officials.
Details must be with the Saranya on Tuesday24th August


Pls supply a copy of your passport when you book a room, or forward to me.
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Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
This planned GTR dinner in Tha Ton is cancelled for the time being.
Not enough response.

We will temporarily suspend the GTR up Country dinners until there are less covid travel restrictions.
We understand that there are multiple people still traveling under the radar, as individuals or in small groups, but organizing a large group for inter provincial travel is quite problematic at the moment.
The great concern is that should 1 person from the group be tested asymptomatic positive, then everyone else should be quarantined & cause multiple issues for families & associates, with costs. Someone - the organizer - would need to step up to the plate, take responsibility & get a severe rap over the knuckles.
Let's wait until the heat goes out of the covid-19 scare.