2009 KLX / D-Tracker Accessories.

Sep 19, 2006
After months of Planning and a couple of weeks in the Shop here i Now have some Accessories available for the KLX / D-Trackers.
I have Just Revised the Prices as I was Told I would be given Lower Prices after we Made the First Pattern But I am Now Told No this was the Price and it didn't include the Powder Coating on the Exhaust so Sorry to anyone Mislead :cry: Still Good Quality stuff and the Only Stuff available.

1, Carrier / Rack. Cost 3000 Baht.

This is Constructed out of Stainless Steel and i have made it so the original Tool Kit is still used. Very Strong and Has many Tie down points and Top Quality Fabrication.
Here is the Rack Fitted.

2, Skid Plate. Cost 3900 Baht.

This is Fabricated from 4mm Aluminium Plate and is Very Strong, Top Quality Fabrication and Top Notch Protection for Your Engine, Water Pump etc. All Fittings required included.
Here is the Skid Plate Fitted.

3, Exhaust System. Cost 5900 Baht.

This Is based on the "Two Brothers Racing" Exhaust Design. It has Double Baffles and Powder Coated End and Mounting Bracket. The Specially Designed S-Pipe includes the Oxygen Sensor Mount for the Fuel Injection. Kawasaki has a Japanese Pipe for Sale at 34.000 Baht which would make this a Bargain!!! It took 2 Weeks of Pissing around to Get the Correct Fit, Look and Acceptable Sound!!! I can Have the Powder Coating done in a Colour of your Choice Providing it is available at Richcos?
Here is the "Two Brothers Racing" Pipe Fitted.

Made for the 2009 KLX in America I had to make a Complete New S-Pipe for this to Fit the Fuel Injected Bike in Thailand so it would Clear the Air Box, Fit the Header Pipe and Fit the Oxygen Sensor. Then I had to Re-Baffle it as it Was Way Too LOUD :shock: It now sounds fine and seems to have an Increase in Low to Mid Range Power, I don't notice any Change at High Revs. No Need to Re-Map the Fuel Injection either.

If You Would Like any of these Parts Just let Me Know? Prices Do Not include Postage and Please allow a week or So for Fabrication as i only keep 1 Sample of Each to use as a Pattern. You can Contact me here or through the X-Centre. Next Week will be the First Big Off Road Trip to Test this Stuff. Chiang Mai, Mae Hong Son, Pai All Off Road and Back again!!! Trip Report to Follow.

Here is a Picture with Myself and the KLX fitted with the Goodies!!! :D
Colour Coded Jacket and Handsome Ba***rd Optional!!! :wink:
Mar 21, 2007
Nice work mate...looks like top notch gear...but would we expect anything else ?
Enjoy the trip..
Oct 20, 2006

this sounds most interesting. I will have to come and talk to you, it looks too good to be true:

How long did you wait for your KLX to come?

Take carer

Sep 19, 2006
I Put the Deposit down on the KLX a couple of Months before they were available. Delivered Exactly when the Shop Said and Now they Have a Load being Delivered all the Time. Should be No Trouble to get one anytime as they are getting like A**eholes here in Chiang Mai, Everyone Has One!!! :shock:
We discovered yesterday that fitting hand guards is not as easy as I thought: there are handlebar weights tackwelded into the bars and they had to be removed with a grinder. You also have to grind out the plastic at the end of the throttle tube. After that it was a breeze. Same model as in the picture, but in not quite matching green!

I have mounted a top case and we had a side rack made for soft luggage, pictures to follow.


Jan 22, 2007
I took my KLX250 out today for the first time on the dirt trails around Pattaya. Performance was asthmatic compared to the XR250s I was riding with.
Definitely needs some work on the breathing side. First thought was to remove the snorkel. Surfing the net found the following OEM item to tidy up the hole it the top of the airbox!!.

http://a16tony.smugmug.com/gallery/1134 ... 2274_A6vSe

Nov 7, 2007
beddhist wrote: We discovered yesterday that fitting hand guards is not as easy as I thought: there are handlebar weights tackwelded into the bars and they had to be removed with a grinder. You also have to grind out the plastic at the end of the throttle tube. After that it was a breeze. Same model as in the picture, but in not quite matching green!

I have mounted a top case and we had a side rack made for soft luggage, pictures to follow.
Much easier to get a new handlebar, isn't it? That's what the shop recommends - they don't even bother doing all this, no wonder considering the original part costs BHT 500 to replace ;)

Ian, you are probably aware that your luggage rack efforts have been noted, and copied. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery as they say...

I was at the Kawa shop in CM and was offered a luggage rack that looks exactly like yours. The sales argument for the part was - I am not making this up - "some farang makes it for 3000 BHT, we sell it for 2,500". I am sure you have been in Thailand long enough to see the humor in this... TIT.

One day in the village an old lady was selling mango sticky rice. It did not escape the attention of the other shops at the market that a long line of farangs formed in front of the old lady. About 2 days later, there were 5 shops selling mango sticky rice right next to each other ;)

I am a bit on the fence for the luggage rack - I want one, but stainless doesn't fit with my bike IMO. It would need to be matte black and square, not round, same style as those smoke color LED flashers I bough...
Sep 19, 2006
Hi Nikster,
Yes i knew the Guy i got to Make all My Parts was Copying them :wink: I went back to Order some more and He already had some Made there. :shock: What Pissed me off is I thought Then the C**t will probably Sell them for Less than He Charged Me and You have Just Confirmed that!!! The Original Idea was to make them for Myself then some for anyone else i Know because the Kawasaki Shop had Nothing Available? As Usual they have to Wait till the Farang does all the Work then Steal the Idea :roll: Standard Thai Style so no Problem. It actually Wasn't Worth the Effort and Hassle it cost me so i can Stop Now. Skid Plate and Rack are the Best as they must have a Pattern and can Just make it as Required but the Dumb F**Ks still want a Bike every time they make an Exhaust :?: Can't See why they just can't make a Pattern for that but T.I.T i suppose. I was Pretty Impressed with the Quality of their Fabrication but they do Lack in Public Relation skills and the Finer Points of things. i.e. "Rough as Guts" There You have it Guys, Any Future Parts Contact the Kawasaki Shop Direct 8)


Jan 22, 2007
A couple of weeks back I encountered a tree (okay sapling!) which peeled back the 'bug catcher' plastics ( two piece engine shroud and white screen on RHS). Kawasaki Thailand parts approx 23 USD. Checking the online microfiche on the US spares sites, US price for same parts was 90 USD! (The microfiche was really useful, motogrid.com.)



Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
oneton wrote: FYI
A couple of weeks back I encountered a tree (okay sapling!) which peeled back the 'bug catcher' plastics ( two piece engine shroud and white screen on RHS).
Sounds like you're ok, but that sure seems like it could be an interesting road & trip report. Got any photos? :wink: :wink:


Jan 22, 2007
I was on my own that day on the dirt trails at the back of Pattaya. We have hills too though nothing like CM :wink: Driving into trees is possibly the biggest adrenaline rush you will get riding an unmodified KLX250S :lol:


Nov 7, 2005
Hi Ian

I have bought a few 250 Kawasakis and I have some friends who also bought them. I could order 4 pcs of your exhaust system and 2 carriers and 2 skidplates. Is there a big difference in performace when you fit the exahust? It seems that the power of the bike is not as big as promised with the original exhaust. Is there any "chips"available yet for the injection system? Hopefully You can make me a good price and I think I can sell quite a few of them in the future. Mityon our local biggest motorcycle dealer here just opens this weekend a Kawasaki "Big Bike shop" just a few hundred meters from my home. Since the bike is also sold in Europe so If you want to have some export business I can arrange that for you easily but I think the volumes are still quite small.

Best Rgds HIKO

Pls reply on my -e-mail adresss your didn't work today
Sep 19, 2006
Hi Hiko,
The Exhaust does seem to improve the bottom end Torque but i don't notice any help up the Top. Having Said that on a Straight Drag with another KLX i would guess the difference to be minimal but it does sound a bit better if that Helps and you like it a little noiser???
The Dealer here has Told me end of this Month they will have the New ECU available for the KLX to help increase Power and Rev out in Higher Gears, as at the moment they don't pull past about 7500 in the top 3 gears!!! :shock: They Quoted me a price of around 6000 baht but will have to wait and see, I will post as soon as i try one and let you know???
Somchit the Guy who Makes the Stuff for me here makes a Top Quality Job but in Honesty it isn't worth My Time to do it!!! I have more important things to do that make Money this was just to help out people. If You want i can send You what ever you require and You can try and Get them Copied down there and Make a Business out of it if possible? Just let me know what you want? All the best.


Jan 22, 2007
Ian / Hiko
Great news about the ECU. Totally agree with your critique on current performance. It has a lot of potential, just needs to be unleashed! I've been following threads on other forums and I found a company in Japan


The klx/d-tracker are listed but no part numbers as they are still developing the device whch piggybacks existing ECU. Its in Japanese but a price of approx 500 USD!!!

The Kawasaki part looks good at 6000 baht.

I am hoping http://tyga-performance.com may be interested in producing an exhaust system / muffler for the klx. Maybe you know them, Matt and Paul, Pattaya based?

Tony W


Apr 24, 2006
I went to kawasaki on rama 9 in bangkok today, they told me a new ECU for tuning the D tracker would be available in March for about 7000 baht.

So it looks like it is really coming but exactly when we will have to wait and see.

cm das

Feb 8, 2006
151,570 at Sanchai Kawasaki in Chiang Mai, as of today. That includes registration and basic insurance.


Aug 20, 2003
Is there any chance that they would sell a new bike with improved ICU unit installed at the factory? Maybe in the 2010 model?
Feb 27, 2009
KLX rider here in Manila saw your post and so happy to see how your bike performs

Guys, where could i find a motard style rear fender for my old model since mines hold by tie wraps.... my friend is currently in Thailand now.. and what other model bike fender will fit our KLX 250... thanks

Mobs from manila

Thanks in advance Guys Mobs..... Safe riding.....

All I could say is Ride hard Guys it will gradually wake up... mines stock sprockets and after market pipes Tops at 150Kph.....
Sep 19, 2006
Hi Mobs,
I think You have a Point here :wink:
"All I could say is Ride hard Guys it will gradually wake up... mines stock sprockets and after market pipes Tops at 150Kph....."
I just Ride mine Pinned most of the time and i do believe it is getting Faster? Next Month the Kawasaki Shop here has the New ECU coming to De-Restrict them. I believe Yours was never Restricted but with Emission Laws etc New Injected Bikes are producing Less Power. There is a Guy here already doing De-Restricting with the Electrical System? Mine has the Pipe ( Pictured above ) and a Bigger Air-box Snorkel with Double the Airflow which has helped but still runs out of steam in the High Gears due to Restriction. Will post the Results once i get the ECU. Enjoy it Mobs, Your Bike is almost Identical to Bigntalls Kawasaki here which has been Bored to 330cc i believe!!! All the Best.
Feb 27, 2009
Ian Bungy wrote: Hi Mobs,
I think You have a Point here :wink:
"All I could say is Ride hard Guys it will gradually wake up... mines stock sprockets and after market pipes Tops at 150Kph....."
I just Ride mine Pinned most of the time and i do believe it is getting Faster? Next Month the Kawasaki Shop here has the New ECU coming to De-Restrict them. I believe Yours was never Restricted but with Emission Laws etc New Injected Bikes are producing Less Power. There is a Guy here already doing De-Restricting with the Electrical System? Mine has the Pipe ( Pictured above ) and a Bigger Air-box Snorkel with Double the Airflow which has helped but still runs out of steam in the High Gears due to Restriction. Will post the Results once i get the ECU. Enjoy it Mobs, Your Bike is almost Identical to Bigntalls Kawasaki here which has been Bored to 330cc i believe!!! All the Best.
Good day Sir, and I could guarantee that the bike will run lighter and faster if you drive it hard.... " my bike is unrestricted :) ...."

I also have a 340cc something block kit and a cyl head to be ported but as of the moment with 30 something Kms per liter I'm happy the way it pulls... tomorrow will be another hard drive 300kms ride with my friends...
will post some photos soon...

Sep 19, 2006
OK, Check these Out. :wink: I Brought these Rims in the Standard Size, Anodized Black with a Green Strip on each side. Brought D-Tracker Hubs as they come in Black then Laced them with the Standard set of KLX Spokes. Here the KLX with Standard Rims.

And Here is the KLX with the New Rims Fitted. 8)


Close Up of the Front.

Close up of the Rear.

In Reality a Total Waste of Money but adds some form of Individuality to the Bike as it is Different to the Norm and with the other Extras i have Fitted it is one of a Kind in Chiang Mai? :lol:


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Ian Bungy wrote:
In Reality a Total Waste of Money but adds some form of Individuality to the Bike as it is Different to the Norm and with the other Extras i have Fitted it is one of a Kind in Chiang Mai? :lol:
Thanks for the tips.
Now there's no doubt also that you are one of a kind! :)
Please keep 'em coming. :wink: :wink: